ESG perspectives on the global energy outlook

Global energy outlook in the ESG context

As ESG’s contours and penetration continue to increase, so have the decibels of debate. Granted, energy pragmatism remains resolute on achieving long-term goals of a decarbonised world, yet how to achieve security of supply, keep prices affordable and ensure sustainability in the transition – i.e. the energy trilemma pillars – remains at the heart of the conversation.


In this week’s podcast, Ehsan Khoman, Head of Commodities, ESG and Emerging Markets Research (EMEA), discusses the global energy outlook in the ESG context of what it will take to ensure a just and orderly transition. He believes that the right response to today’s challenges is a matter of “and” not “or” and highlights four approaches in squaring the energy trilemma around resiliency today to tap value creation tomorrow.


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