Mexican Presidential Election Report

June 2024

  • By
  • Jun 04, 2024
  • EM Latam Mexico
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On 2nd June, Mexico held general elections for president, all the seats at the Congress (being 128 for the Senate and 500 for the Lower House), 9 governors, as well as the election for local legislative in all the 32 Mexican states.


Ms. Claudia Sheinbaum (“Seguimos Haciendo Historia” – Morena-PT-PVEM) won the presidential election. The official outcome is expected to be released on this 5th June, but preliminary results (95.2% of ballots counted) show a landslide victory of Ms. Sheinbaum with nearly 59% of the votes, being more than 30 percentage points ahead of her main competitor Ms. Xóchitl Gálvez (“Frente Amplio por México” – PAN-PRI-PRD) with 28%, and Jorge Álvarez Máynez (Movimiento Ciudadano) with 10.5%.

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