Japan Economic & Financial Weekly

  • Jan 15, 2024

Projecting Japanese investor behavior in Jan-Mar based on 2021-2023 patterns

JGB yield and yield curve scenario for January 15 - 19
The 10-year JGB yield hovers in the 0.50% - 0.55% range this week as it searches for a sense of direction. Continued buying (and buybacks) driven by fading speculation of an end to NIRP in FY23 weighs on JGB yields. The 10-year JGB yield also comes under downward pressure if its US equivalent resumes testing the downside below 4%. However, any decline in yields soon runs up against lingering concerns about a surprise announcement of policy changes at the January 22-23BoJ meeting. And if buybacks wind down and investors start to worry that bond prices have overextended themselves, speculative selling results in an upward bias for the 10-year yield. The 20-year JGB yield trades at a level that keeps the 10s20sJGB spread at around 70bp until the 20-year auction on January 18.
Forecast range:
10-year JGB yield: 0.550%–0.600%
20-year JGB yield: 1.250%–1.330%